There is not only “one way”

Although there are some essentials to being self sufficient there are multiple ways to get there. Many of the self sufficient methods you will find online or through a course are teaching a certain coarse of action. This usually involves some sort of dire circumstance such as calamity or being lost. There is nothing wrong with this approach. These skills once common to our ancestors have to be relearned in order to effect our survival when the usual resources are not available.

What is important to understand is that we are always surviving, whether we are lost in the wilds or sitting in a condominium on the fortieth floor. No one skill, course or book will prepare you for any calamity that you may encounter. That is not their goal and we should not expect to learn everything from only one source. If you spend time looking at all the methods describing how to survive and thrive you will discover that there are A LOT of options for the ability to keep living.

What has prompted all of this are varying scenarios that demonstrate that we are living in uncertain times. Regardless of which scenario you choose it is prudent to have some awareness of what to do if the resources that you rely on should become unavailable.

All of this is based on a ten year period of evaluation, experimenting and study. The result has been change and re-evaluation of what is important. Each person’s motivation will be unique to them.

So the inevitable question comes, what does one need to survive. The answer is both simple and complex. The simple answer is, what do you need and what can you live without. The complex answer is that their are a myriad of choices and you are faced with what goes on which list. An example would be, you like a half caff double Laté but it might be enough just to have some coffee.

Start with the resources you currently rely on. How long can you go without anything on that list. How important is it in the large scheme of things. Time is an important factor. Think in terms of 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 years; that’s a good place to start.

Think of needs in three tiers.

  1. Red – I must fend for myself until rescue or resources return.
  2. Yellow – Caution required, scarcity and high prices looming
  3. Green – I can rely on the normal supply chain

Each one of these tiers can have multiple variables but all of them require a certain amount of attention. Keep your eyes open.

Rather than cover what others have explained in more detail and better than I could, I offer a few things for consideration.

  • Don’t underestimate the value of food
  • Except for parks and public lands most of the US is chopped up by title and deed.
  • four hours from now you will be hungry
  • medical attention and associated needs
  • Transportation, how far can you walk
  • Wind and rain makes everything harder
  • Clean water
  • Sanitation
  • Electricity and all manner of fuel.
  • If collapse happens it will be a mix of 19th & 20th century.

These are important considerations in the field of being self sufficient. This is not all an inclusive list but provides some food for thought. When we consider what we need we can affect a better outcome for ourselves and our loved ones.

Coming up! What do I need when everything is relatively normal.

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