6 things for Surviving Daily Life (maybe more)

What do I really need? Before we get to the “list” it should be noted that we need community. Very few people are content to be truly alone. Most of us like some kind of company perhaps in varying degrees but the idea of being able to share with others is a basic need. I […]

It’s our choice

We always create on the frontier, where the amenities are few. The current state of affairs dictate that we review and re-invest ourselves in pursuits that have been underused or abandoned over the last several decades. To that end we will cover some of these issues and practices including plain ole thinking for oneself. Follow […]

Fear Of The Unknown

It has been often said, we fear what we do not understand. While this may be true you can still fear something even if you understand it. The reason is simple. Fear takes us to a uncomfortable emotional place. It is the experiencing of these things that we don’t like. Why we have these feelings is […]